Meet Our HR Team

The Human Resources Team at Tel Hai is here to assist and guide you through your career search, pre-employment and employment experience as you discover the endless rewards of working at the ‘Hill of Life.’ We strive to provide a supportive, fulfilling and purposeful work experience where team members can reach their personal and professional goals.

Keeli Looper
Vice President, Human Resources
Leads HR Team, Strategic Planning, Engagement & Workers Comp

Luann Thomas
Recruitment, Pre-Employment, Internal Transfers & Staff Liason

Michele Scott
HRIS Payroll & Benefits Specialist
Payroll, Benefits Administration & 401K Administration

Angela DellaVecchia
HR Generalist
FMLA/ADA, HR Records, New Hire Processing & Support, Unemployment Claims

Tel Hai Retirement Community is an Equal Opportunity Employer. For specific questions, please contact any member of the Human Resources team above directly at 610-273-4611 or email

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